176 research outputs found

    Sequence Ontology terminology for gene regulation

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    The Sequence Ontology (SO) is a structured, controlled vocabulary that provides terms and definitions for genomic annotation. The Gene Regulation Ensemble Effort for the Knowledge Commons (GREEKC) initiative has gathered input from many groups of researchers, including the SO, the Gene Ontology (GO), and gene regulation experts, with the goal of curating information about how gene expression is regulated at the molecular level. Here we discuss recent updates to the SO reflecting current knowledge. We have developed more accurate human-readable terms (also known as classes), including new definitions, and relationships related to the expression of genes. New findings continue to give us insight into the biology of gene regulation, including the order of events, and participants in those events. These updates to the SO support logical reasoning with the current understanding of gene expression regulation at the molecular level

    Logical Development of the Cell Ontology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Cell Ontology (CL) is an ontology for the representation of <it>in vivo </it>cell types. As biological ontologies such as the CL grow in complexity, they become increasingly difficult to use and maintain. By making the information in the ontology computable, we can use automated reasoners to detect errors and assist with classification. Here we report on the generation of computable definitions for the hematopoietic cell types in the CL.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Computable definitions for over 340 CL classes have been created using a genus-differentia approach. These define cell types according to multiple axes of classification such as the protein complexes found on the surface of a cell type, the biological processes participated in by a cell type, or the phenotypic characteristics associated with a cell type. We employed automated reasoners to verify the ontology and to reveal mistakes in manual curation. The implementation of this process exposed areas in the ontology where new cell type classes were needed to accommodate species-specific expression of cellular markers. Our use of reasoners also inferred new relationships within the CL, and between the CL and the contributing ontologies. This restructured ontology can be used to identify immune cells by flow cytometry, supports sophisticated biological queries involving cells, and helps generate new hypotheses about cell function based on similarities to other cell types.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Use of computable definitions enhances the development of the CL and supports the interoperability of OBO ontologies.</p

    Formalization of taxon-based constraints to detect inconsistencies in annotation and ontology development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Gene Ontology project supports categorization of gene products according to their location of action, the molecular functions that they carry out, and the processes that they are involved in. Although the ontologies are intentionally developed to be taxon neutral, and to cover all species, there are inherent taxon specificities in some branches. For example, the process 'lactation' is specific to mammals and the location 'mitochondrion' is specific to eukaryotes. The lack of an explicit formalization of these constraints can lead to errors and inconsistencies in automated and manual annotation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have formalized the taxonomic constraints implicit in some GO classes, and specified these at various levels in the ontology. We have also developed an inference system that can be used to check for violations of these constraints in annotations. Using the constraints in conjunction with the inference system, we have detected and removed errors in annotations and improved the structure of the ontology.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Detection of inconsistencies in taxon-specificity enables gradual improvement of the ontologies, the annotations, and the formalized constraints. This is progressively improving the quality of our data. The full system is available for download, and new constraints or proposed changes to constraints can be submitted online at <url>https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=605890&group_id=36855</url>.</p

    An integrated computational pipeline and database to support whole-genome sequence annotation

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    We describe here our experience in annotating the Drosophila melanogaster genome sequence, in the course of which we developed several new open-source software tools and a database schema to support large-scale genome annotation. We have developed these into an integrated and reusable software system for whole-genome annotation. The key contributions to overall annotation quality are the marshalling of high-quality sequences for alignments and the design of a system with an adaptable and expandable flexible architecture

    EXACT2: the semantics of biomedical protocols

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    © 2014 Soldatova et al.; licensee BioMed Central. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: The reliability and reproducibility of experimental procedures is a cornerstone of scientific practice. There is a pressing technological need for the better representation of biomedical protocols to enable other agents (human or machine) to better reproduce results. A framework that ensures that all information required for the replication of experimental protocols is essential to achieve reproducibility. Methods: We have developed the ontology EXACT2 (EXperimental ACTions) that is designed to capture the full semantics of biomedical protocols required for their reproducibility. To construct EXACT2 we manually inspected hundreds of published and commercial biomedical protocols from several areas of biomedicine. After establishing a clear pattern for extracting the required information we utilized text-mining tools to translate the protocols into a machine amenable format. We have verified the utility of EXACT2 through the successful processing of previously ‘unseen’ (not used for the construction of EXACT2) protocols. Results: The paper reports on a fundamentally new version EXACT2 that supports the semantically-defined representation of biomedical protocols. The ability of EXACT2 to capture the semantics of biomedical procedures was verified through a text mining use case. In this EXACT2 is used as a reference model for text mining tools to identify terms pertinent to experimental actions, and their properties, in biomedical protocols expressed in natural language. An EXACT2-based framework for the translation of biomedical protocols to a machine amenable format is proposed. Conclusions: The EXACT2 ontology is sufficient to record, in a machine processable form, the essential information about biomedical protocols. EXACT2 defines explicit semantics of experimental actions, and can be used by various computer applications. It can serve as a reference model for for the translation of biomedical protocols in natural language into a semantically-defined format.This work has been partially funded by the Brunel University BRIEF award and a grant from Occams Resources

    Unintended consequences of existential quantifications in biomedical ontologies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry is a collection of freely available ontologically structured controlled vocabularies in the biomedical domain. Most of them are disseminated via both the OBO Flatfile Format and the semantic web format Web Ontology Language (OWL), which draws upon formal logic. Based on the interpretations underlying OWL description logics (OWL-DL) semantics, we scrutinize the OWL-DL releases of OBO ontologies to assess whether their logical axioms correspond to the meaning intended by their authors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed ontologies and ontology cross products available via the OBO Foundry site <url>http://www.obofoundry.org</url> for existential restrictions (<it>someValuesFrom</it>), from which we examined a random sample of 2,836 clauses.</p> <p>According to a rating done by four experts, 23% of all existential restrictions in OBO Foundry candidate ontologies are suspicious (Cohens' <it>Îș </it>= 0.78). We found a smaller proportion of existential restrictions in OBO Foundry cross products are suspicious, but in this case an accurate quantitative judgment is not possible due to a low inter-rater agreement (<it>Îș </it>= 0.07). We identified several typical modeling problems, for which satisfactory ontology design patterns based on OWL-DL were proposed. We further describe several usability issues with OBO ontologies, including the lack of ontological commitment for several common terms, and the proliferation of domain-specific relations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current OWL releases of OBO Foundry (and Foundry candidate) ontologies contain numerous assertions which do not properly describe the underlying biological reality, or are ambiguous and difficult to interpret. The solution is a better anchoring in upper ontologies and a restriction to relatively few, well defined relation types with given domain and range constraints.</p

    Annotation extensions

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    The specificity of knowledge that Gene Ontology (GO) annotations currently can represent is still restricted by the legacy format of the GO annotation file, a format intentionally designed for simplicity to keep the barriers to entry low and thus encourage initial adoption. Historically, the information that could be captured in a GO annotation was simply the role or location of a gene product, although genetically interacting or binding partners could be specified. While there was no mechanism within the original GO annotation format for capturing additional information about the context of a GO term, such as the target gene of an activity or the location of a molecular function, the long-term vision for the GO Consortium was to provide greater expressivity in its annotations to capture physiologically relevant information. Thus, as a step forwards, the GO Consortium has introduced a new field into the annotation format, annotation extensions, which can be used to capture valuable contextual detail. This provides experimentally verified links between gene products and other physiological information that is crucial for accurate analysis of pathway and network data. This chapter will provide a simple overview of annotation extensions, illustrated with examples of their usage, and explain why they are useful for scientists and bioinformaticians alike
